Friends, it's been a blessing.

After years of equipping families with tools to help live out Deuteronomy 6 in their homes with their children, the time has come for us to bring Isaac + Elizabeth to a close.

Many of you know that our business is a small, family-owned company and that the Lord has led us in the most exciting, unknown, scariest - most incredible - direction over the past year. We've relied on Him to lead us every step of the way and now, we're confident that He's opening other doors in different areas during this season of life that we're thrilled to walk through.

That being said, while we're bringing our large-scale production to a close, we'll still have some of our products available locally in-store. Because we do still genuinely care about discipling littles, if you have your eyes on a product that you'd love to incorporate into your home, please don't hesitate to contact us here or through Instagram.

Thank you for your incredible support over the years - you truly have blessed our little family!

Always available on Amazon:

Our journals for kids will remain available for purchase on Amazon!

New to I+E: Digital Downloads

We're slowly adding digital downloads to our inventory - some completely new products, some digital versions of our original puzzles! Check out our first few here:

View Digital Downloads

Puzzles to Teach Crucial Passages of Scripture

We often tend to gravitate towards teaching our kids Bible stories first. That's not a bad thing at all, but we've worked hard to provide parents with tools to help teach their little ones more in-depth but extremely important passages of Scripture - all while keeping them interested and engaged.

Tools for Teaching Well-Known Bible Stories

Bible stories are a great starting point! Not only are they fun to learn, but they teach important lessons that aren't necessarily black and white in the Text. Our Bible story collections provide puzzles and tools to keep your kiddos engaged and help them remember important characters and symbols within each one.

Products to Help Relate God's Word Back to Every Aspect of Life

Deuteronomy 6:7 says, "Impress the commandments I give you today on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." Everything in our lives can relate back to God's Word one way or another. Our products help parents learn to do that while teaching their children the basics.

All puzzle orders get a free Raising Little Disciples sticker!

made in the image of God

We believe that discipleship begins at home.

In order to create little disciples, we have to pour into them and teach them who GOD says they are, first and foremost. The world will fill their little brains with everything they aren't, God's will is for us, as their parents, to teach them who they are in Him: worthy, able, smart and loved. Our Scripture puzzles teach letters, spelling, Bible verse memory and most importantly, Godly principles that will stick with them for life.